Time for the next chapter

That photo may have you expecting one of those end-of-year posts, but it's really just announcing a new chapter in my professional life - as your new sales guy for Diverse Marketing.

You're not familiar with Diverse Marketing?  It's my new mission to change that in 2018 by presenting you exciting, fresh new merchandise for your shop.

You can preview the exciting line offerings in the sidebar to the right (with website links) - and notice there are quite a few included.  Diverse specializes in toys and fun gifts, so you can expect our meetings to be entertaining.

Now, I know retailers don't want to hear from me this week leading up to Christmas so I'm spending the down time learning new products and new processes so when we resume business after the holidays I will be ready for you.

In even more exciting news, Diverse maintains a showroom at Americasmart in Atlanta where we can meet, you can put your heavy bag down for a little while, have a glass of wine and spend some of your open-to-buy.  The showroom is perfectly located at the top of the escalator on the 14th floor of building 2.

You'll also notice that I am still your sales rep for many of the lines we've worked together on for years, so please don't wonder if I have abandoned you.  I'll still be bugging you for orders on those lines.

Oh....and you can expect my end-of-year musings next week.

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